Services & Rates


Acupuncture points are chosen according to your specific diagnosis, making each treatment individualized and unique to you and your needs. Hair thin needles are used to trigger biochemical changes in the body by stimulating the nervous system and the body’s innate healing capabilities. Once the needles are in, many patients tend to enter a deep state relaxation and rest.

Cupping Therapy

Using glass cups, cupping therapy uses suction to gently pull the muscles and fascia upwards, promoting blood circulation, reducing inflammation, and stimulating the immune system. It is commonly used to help relieve muscular tension, pain, and inflammation, immune system imbalances, and common colds.


Moxibustion is a treatment which involves the burning of a herb called mugwort (Ai Ye). It helps to warm and stimulate acupuncture points. It improves circulation of blood and Qi to relieve pain and improve energy. It is also commonly used in reproductive health to improve blood flow to the reproductive organs, and to help encourage breech babies to turn.

Gua Sha

Gua Sha improves blood circulation and breaks up scar tissue or adhesions in the muscles and fascia. It is also used for treating respiratory conditions.

Initial Acupuncture Visit

In-person, includes a comprehensive and in-depth intake and health history where we define together your treatment plan. This is followed by an individualized acupuncture treatment, which may also include cupping therapy, moxibustion, and/or gua sha.

75 mins | $130 | Get started

Return Acupuncture Visit

In-person, follow-up acupuncture treatments typically involve a quick intake to discuss any improvements or changes to your treatment plan, and any new health concerns. Followed by a longer rest on the treatment table with acupuncture needles and/or any additional therapies.

60 mins I $110 | Get started

Cervical Ripening Visit

Starting at 36 weeks, these treatments are typically given 1-2 times a week until delivery. Acupuncture points are believed to help stimulate the body’s natural hormonal processes to naturally soften and thin the cervix in preparation for childbirth, to help support a smoother labour and delivery.

45 mins I $100 | Get started

ICBC Initial Acupuncture Visit

ICBC Return Acupuncture Visit

Individuals who have been involved in a motor vehicle accident in BC are entitled to 12 acupuncture treatments within 12 weeks of the date of their accident. Initial treatment will include a comprehensive and in-depth intake followed by an acupuncture treatment and any additional modalities which are deemed applicable to your recovery.

75 mins I $130 | Get started

Individuals who have been involved in a motor vehicle accident in BC are entitled to 12 acupuncture treatments within 12 weeks of the date of their accident. Follow-up treatment will include an intake to address any changes, followed by an acupuncture treatment and any additional modalities which are deemed applicable to your recovery.

60 mins I $110 | Get started